SJRC LogoThis website provides a range of features for the delivery, support, administration and participation in teaching and learning activities. The features include content delivery and collaboration between teachers and students, such as:
  • Content creation or upload
  • Discussion forums and chat rooms
  • Messaging tools
  • Assignments and
  • Quizzes.
Site Policy
The purpose of this document is to specify user responsibilities and to promote the appropriate use of the site for the protection of all users. These Policies cover the whole period that the user is a member of the St Joseph's Regional College school community. Please note the following conditions:
  • all users must register to use this site and
  • all registered users must agree to this site policy.
Your Responsibilities
Users of this site must agree to:
  • Not use the site for anything else other than for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. However, incidental personal use, for example via the Moodle social forums, is acceptable.
  • Not use the site for personal commercial use, for example marketing.
  • Not use the site for uploading, storing, viewing or transmitting any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.
  • Not misrepresent the St Agnes Parish Secondary Schools or bring it into disrepute in any way through the use of the site.
  • Be responsible for moderating discussion forums which you or other users may have created.
  • Always act in a professional manner. Be polite and courteous to others and do not slander, harass or bully any other person while using the site.
  • Not submit postings or assignments that have been plagiarised.
  • Protect your own username and password. Do not share your password with anyone else and do not use the username and password of other users.
  • Keep physical access to this site secure. For example, do not login to the site and then leave your computer unattended.
  • Not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of the site.
  • Not post material which contains viruses or other harmful programs.
  • Understand that no responsibility is taken for any loss of information, which has been posted on this site.
Who will have access to your information?
Fellow students of your courses and authorised persons (teachers and SAPSS staff) will have access to your name, email address, photograph and any discussion comments you make. You and your fellow students will be able to view each others' profiles. Only you and authorised persons will have access to your assessment information.

Please note that the administrator reserves the right to remove, vary or amend any of the content which appears on the site at any time and without prior notice. Additionally, any user who fails to comply with the conditions set out in this site policy may be removed permanently from the system.
Last modified: Monday, 21 January 2013, 10:34 AM